Preteen girl sitting on stairs | the penny pack

For Girls: What Will Having My Period Feel Like?

If you haven’t started your period yet, I’ll bet you’re full of questions. During the first year, your body is changing, so be patient with yourself as you experience different sensations. Now, let’s start with the most obvious question—what does having a period feel like? It feels like blood trickling from your vagina but it’s […]

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confident girl taking exam | the penny pack

How to get your school to offer free period products

This is a guest post by the Founder and CEO of Aunt Flow, Claire Coder. You have been hearing the buzz about free feminine hygiene products at schools. You’ve watched Nancy Kramer’s TED Talk, which launched the national #FreeTheTampons moment. YOU are ready to take action and help YOUR school join the menstrual movement.  Let’s get […]

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Period Pain | The penny Pack

Take the Ouch Out of Period Pain

There’s a lot to figure out when you first get your period! And there’s so much more to menstruation than blood loss. If you’re nervous about period pain, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips about what to expect and how to cope.

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dad and daughter | the penny pack

Pads4Dads Puts Period Advocacy Into Action

We’ve discussed why it’s so important for dads to be able to talk to daughters about periods. Hey Girls is a UK-based social enterprise that wants dads to do just that. This organization, which supports UK girls who don’t have access to period products, is on a mission to get dads talking about periods with […]

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